I’m Ashley & I’m so excited you’re here.

I'm a mom of three kiddos, from toddler to elementary-age, who all sleep 11-12 hours every single night. My evenings are quiet and carefree, eating dinner and watching Netflix with my husband, Noam, but we also enjoy our date nights regularly! I genuinely look forward to the mornings - uninterrupted time all to myself, hot coffee, and either reading or journaling.

Before I became a sleep consultant helping hundreds of families solve their sleep issues, I was an Account Director for a tech company.  After I had my first daughter, literally everything about my world changed.  I was on maternity leave trying to absorb every incredible moment of newborn life, but instead I was drowning in all the things I so clearly didn't know or understand about my new baby.  I cried at 4pm every day, like clock-work, terrified and riddled with anxiety leading up to the evening hours when I knew all hell would break loose. I was desperate for help I didn't know I needed or even know how to ask for at the time...

I read all the books and e-guides out there, but nothing felt right for me and my situation. Sure, all those resources outlined what to do and how to do it, but I still had so many questions! Which one would be best for my unique child? What if it didn't work? When would I see results? So, like I'm sure many of you have, I went down the Google rabbit hole searching for answers, leaving me even more overwhelmed and completely confused.

To sleep is human, but to sleep well is learned.

What I learned during that process was not only did my daughter want and need to sleep, but it was also something she needed to learn how to do. We all think that independent sleep is an innate quality, one we're born with from the start. Unfortunately, that just isn't the case for most children, so it's our job as parents to teach our kids how to fall asleep all on their own so they (and we!) can get the perfect amount of good quality sleep.

And here's the thing: teaching your child healthy sleep habits doesn't have to be complicated or scary, it just has to work. Those habits should become life skills that your child can carry with them as they age -- from infant life, to toddlerhood and beyond. It's true that your child's sleep needs will change over time, but with the right skills in place, you're setting your child up for successful sleep no matter how old they are or what the circumstances may be.

Sleep isn't rocket science. You just need someone who will give you a personalized plan to hit your goals, empower you to stay strong through the tough moments, and show you what's possible with consistently better sleep. You can read a book or Google your questions to death, or you can make a lifelong investment in your family's health and wellbeing through my one-on-one coaching services, free online resources, or listening on the weekly podcast.

I believe…

That great sleep is essential to living our best, most fulfilling lives personally, professionally, and in motherhood.

My ethics…

Are founded in never asking you to go against your principles or intuition as a mother, but I will guide and empower you to reach your family’s sleep goals.

I stand…

Proudly in the belief that healthy, lifelong sleep skills are some of the most powerful tools to improve you and your family’s overall health and wellness.